Things are changing....

Hello my favourites!
I'm super sorry i didn't post on wednesday i've had a super crazy week

As you can see from the title of this post;
things are changing for me!

Yes, one week since i left my job i'm managed to land myself a new job!
I'm in a field of work thats completely new for me, so I'm
excited && nervous about this.
I'm now working in a marketing and sales company in Newcastle city centre.
Yes, i know; sales has a stigma but it's something i need to do.

After spending a few days within the company i can see this is 
going to be the most exciting && hardworking time of my life and 
my career so far.
I've had a lot of negativity about changing career && think
i'm being stupid.
I'm going to prove every single person wrong,
and when i'm at the top making good money, i enjoy my job
&& i'm happy with my life, i'm going to see what people think then.

If you ever want to do something in life, do it for yourself and
nobody else!!
i love you guys and thanks to everyone who's supported me in everything i do,
and putting your trust in my decisions.

Lots of love
- Zotonixe
