Why I've been MIA recently...

I'm normally pretty good at keeping up with social media and my blog but recently I've been slacking..

It's been a good six weeks since my last blog post and its nothing real major going on in my life.

Honestly, I kind of fell out of love with blogging. I had load of content to post ( I have about 7 draft posts ready to publish) but I just didn't wanna post anything.
I think everyone has hit the brick wall at some point but I seemed to hit it pretty hard.
So I thought if I took a few weeks away from blogging and focus on real living people and not the internet, I may find my way back to.

Now the past few weeks have been absolutely chaotic.
I did get a promotion at work which I'm super happy about. But more importantly, my niece was born.
Yes, I am now a proud auntie to a seven week old munchkin. I haven't posted any pictures of her on my Instagram purely because you never know who's looking, and I'm sure my sister and her husband would prefer if I didn't plaster her face all over the world.
Her name is Imogen Rose or as I call her Jellybean/ Bean and she is absolutely perfect.

So as you can imagine I've been spending a lot of time with family, especially my sister. I haven't felt the need to blog.

However I do feel like I'm back to myself a bit, I've had some amazing opportunities due to blogging, and I would love to see where my blog can take me.

I've got some super exciting stuff coming so keep an eye out on here and on my social medias!
